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Research, Biology, Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Science, Education, Nanocarbon

Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules


Synthetic chemistry, catalysis chemistry, systems biology, and plant/animal science will be the key components of the Institute. These research foci build on existing strengths at Nagoya University, which will be key to the establishment of the new interdisciplinary molecular institute: The Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM), whose aim is to create cutting-edge science with potentially significant societal impact. The raison d'etre of ITbM is to establish a world-leading molecular research institute for designing and synthesizing molecules directed towards the discovery, visualization, and manipulation of biological systems. The unique approach of ITbM is to apply recent discoveries in molecular activation-transforming catalysis, with the support of molecular design and theoretical chemistry, to solve fundamental and urgent biological problems and to explore advanced systems biology. This is an unprecedented endeavor and the first such research institute in the world.

In ITbM, we primarily focus on developing key molecules for two major problems in biology; (1) molecules that precisely control biotic function and production, and (2) molecules that realize innovative bio-imaging. To accomplish these projects, we will (3) develop catalysts that enable incredibly efficient synthesis and molecule activation on demand and under a variety of biologically relevant conditions.

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