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NanoDiamond Products


NDP was founded in 2009 with the strategy of developing a portfolio of diamond products that spanned a wide range of industries, from lapping silicon carbide to drilling for oil and gas.

This strategy called for a substantial investment in equipment and processing techniques to enable the production of nanodiamond and after three years, in 2013, NDP were able to launch a complete range of diamond products from 50 nanometre to 10/12 US mesh. At the finest end, 50 nanometre diamond is used in a range of industrial and biomedical research projects and at the coarsest end, the monocrystalline synthetic diamond abrasives, SynMesh, are used in processing of natural stone and for the construction industry. Further development has extended the diamond range to 4mm stones and added a range of suspensions and slurries to the loose diamond abrasives, to provide our customers with what we believe is the largest range of diamond products from any one source in the world.

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