QMO Lab (University of California, Riverside)
We are a research lab at the University of California Riverside, and our focus is on Quantum Materials Optoelectronics (QMO). At atomic and sub-atomic scales, quantum mechanics describes reality. The theory of quantum mechanics is among the most successful scientific theories, exhibiting not one single contradiction in nearly a century since its inception. Yet, when atoms are combined to form highly complex structures - such as synthetic quantum materials or biological macro-molecules - the connection between microscopic phenomena and emergent macroscopic behaviors is lost. Indeed, hierarchical complexity defies a unified physical description. Gabor Research Laboratories aim to discover new phenomena - both quantum and classical - that may arise within and at the interface between quantum condensed matter and complex biological systems. As scientists at the boundary of physics and biology, we have a unique opportunity to unite our understanding of quantum mechanics with the complex and diverse biophysical properties and behaviors of life.