CENIMAT|i3N (Ref. UIDB/50025/2020-2023) is a national scientific research center sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, through the Foundation for Science and Technology. This center has been evaluated by a panel of international experts in the field of Materials Science and Engineering since 1996, who classified it as EXCELLENT. This grade reflects the high technical and scientific merit of the R&D activity carried out by CENIMAT researchers, translated by the quantity and quality of the scientific publications produced and the high number of scientific and technological projects. This same panel of experts also recognized that CENIMAT could be considered at a National level as “a model of excellence in the field of Materials science and engineering”. Since 2006 CENIMAT has integrated the Laboratório Associado” (i3N - Institute for Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication). It is also associated with the Material Science Department/Departamento de Ciência de Materiais of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia / Universidade Nova de Lisboa .
Concerning the scientific organization, CENIMAT is divided in three Reasearch Teams (ID Teams): Advanced Functional Materials for Micro and Nanotechnologies (AFMMN), Soft and biofunctional materials group (SBMG) and Structural Materials (SM).
CENIMAT is managed by a Directive Board composed by the Coordinator, Professor Rodrigo Martins and the Vice-coordinators, Professor João Paulo Borges and Professor Rui Igreja. There is a Scientific Commission (composed by all the Full Members of CENIMAT with PhD) and a Consulting Commission composed of the 3 members of the Directive Board and the 3 heads of the ID Teams.