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nanotechnology, Smart Materials, Functional Materials, Printed Electronics, OLED, Organic Electronics, Tri-Component Fibers, nano fibers, Nano Coatings, and Digital Fabrication

CeNTI - Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials


CeNTI is a distinct European Research and Development Centre, equipped with cutting-edge technology, and conducting world-class research and development. Based in Portugal, a highly qualified research team works with partners around the world, to develop multicomponent fibres, smart materials and multifunctional coatings. This research will contribute to improve and assess the real performance of materials and products in different areas (e.g. well-being & health, sports, protection, automotive, aeronautics, renewable energy devices...).
CeNTI's role is to help industry bring products and innovations to market quickly, by offering unique expertise in materials development. Usually our projects take a multi-disciplinary approach and includes technologists and researchers working in:
- materials formulation, development and validation
- process development
- systems prototyping
- application development and validation

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