Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication
The MCN represents a $50million investment in micro- nanotechnology infrastructure as a joint venture between six Victorian Universities and the CSIRO. It is located in the heart of the South-East Melbourne Innovation Precinct and is openly accessible to any researchers in academia, CSIRO or industry.The MCN is the largest and broadest capability within the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF). By connecting the national research facilities in micro/nano fabrication, ANFF enables research institutions and industry clients around Australia to identify partners, collaborate and innovate.The MCN provides a collaborative, multi-user, multi-institutional working environment. It employs LEAN operating principles, akin to those of a high-throughput industry environment, to ensure a targeted, consistent and efficient client experience for all users of the facility. The MCN's quality management system is certified under ISO 9001:2008.