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Hugo Aguas
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Department of Materials Science, Faculdade de CIências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Hugo Águas is Assistant Professor at the DCM-UNL and researcher at UNINOVA-CENIMAT. He received his PhD in 2005. His current research interests are in the field of processing silicon based photovoltaic materials and devices; plasmonic materials and microfluidics. He has coordinated 3 national projects and participated in several national e international projects being the most relevant: “European Network on Amorphous-Silicon Device Technology-ASINET”; Brite-EuRam, GTC1-2000-28040 (2000/2003); “Development of new production techniques for highly efficient polymorphous solar cells- H-Alpha Solar”; Brite-EuRam, NNE5-1999-00133 (2000/2003); “Micropowder processing using low-pressure plasma technology – dusty plasmas” Brite-EuRam II, BRE2-CT94-0944 (1994/97). He has published 122 papers in ISI/SCI Scientific Journals, from which was the corresponding author in 32 of them. The number of citation times registered in the WoK is 1325, and has am h-index of 17.
Amorphous, Polymorphous and microcrystalline silicon films; silicon nanoparticles synthetized by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour (PECVD); Plasma characterization; Optical characterization of materials; Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. Fabrication of Solar cells devices, Biosensors and Microfluidics; Plasmonic materials.
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