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Sophie (de Monredon) Senani
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Research Specialist
“Chef d’orchestre” in multidisciplinary R&D - Specialist of Interfaces' Physico-Chemistry - Multifunctional Coatings - Open to other domains - Anticorrosion coatings, drug delivery, encapsulation - Thermochromic and Piezochromic materials - Sol-Gel chemistry, paints, polymers - Coating application Processes: spray, dip-coating… and automation for spray - UV-curable materials - Automation of UV-curing and Spray Coating application - Functional materials development - Surface treatments and Engineering - REACH regulation, Green chemistry Leadership: - Transversal management and coordination of multidiciplinary projects (National and European) - Technical "connector/facilitator" between Bussiness Units, Universities, institutes and suppliers - Local deputy of the transational team Leader - Multicultural context Scientific communications: - International scientific conferences (more 14 orals, 4 invited talks and 1 award of Innovation) and internal Airbus Group workshops - 10 patents, 5 publications Scientific expertise: Participation to Scientific Council of the MATISSE Labex (Laboratory of Excellence- since 2011), Participation to the Industrial Advisory Board of the COST HINT (Hybrid Interfaces –2012-2016), Reviewer for the Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology and Journal of Coating Technology Network and "connector" between Airbus Group needs and suppliers /academia, Member of the jury for PhD defences
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